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1243-1245 Laplace Av.

Laval, H7C 2N6
2 500sq.ft.
2 500sq.ft.
15 000sq.ft.
2 500sq.ft.
2 500sq.ft.
Cadastre of Québec : 1 627 744

Rental rate (/sq.ft.) :

Operating costs (/sq.ft.) :


Land area (sq.ft.) : 

Buildng area (sq.ft.) :


Zoning : 


Building divided in 5 spaces


Upon request



63 426

27 158



Highlights : Office entrance on one side and bay doors to warehouse on other side; One bay door per space; Parking available for every spaces; Nearby highways 15 and 440; Possibility to rent many spaces and have them merged together.


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